Training program “Holocaust, Police and Human Rights”

Kazerne Dossin

Content / Topics:

Kazerne Dossin offers a workshop on Human rights and Ethical dilemmas.

The aim of the course is to provide the trainees with a profound understanding of the phenomenon of discrimination and exclusion. It focuses on human rights and racism, noting how group pressure can affect members of an organisation and how police officers can deal with dilemmas they are confronted with. Special emphasis is placed on the dynamic of the power of mass and group aggression next to  the free choice of individual persons to say no to group pressure and group dynamics.  This one day training  consists in a guided tour in the museum focused on the role of police during World War II and a dilemma training on cases from the field.

These goals are achieved through ‘education through remembrance’. In this concept, the present isn’t compared to the past, neither is there a judgement on the past with today’s criteria. Instead timeless mechanisms such as tyranny, violence, prejudice, propaganda, xenophobia, exclusion, bureaucracy and dehumanisation are analysed.

Target groups: Professionals – police organisation.

Method / Format: One day training.

Language(s): Dutch, French.

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