Wer ist Walter?

Crossborder Factory, the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Centre international de formation eruopéene (CIFE) and the Jasenovc Memorial Site

Content / Topics:

“Walter” was the alias of a myth-enshrouded resistance fighter in Sarajevo, whose identity the Nazi occupiers were unable to find out. In this project, the question “Wer ist Walter?” is symbolic of the observation that we in Europe often know little to nothing about the history(s) of resistance to Nazism and Nazi occupation during World War Two in other European countries.

Goal of this project is to strengthen the exchange and knowledge about resistance to Nazism in Europe and how it has been dealt with since 1945. The differences and similarities in the history and memory of resistance to Nazism in Europe will be examined on the basis of four countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, France and Germany.

Concerning the reception of the resistance against the Nazi regime from 1945 to the present day, the project focuses on two dimensions: the historical research on the topic and its presentation in museums. The content will be developed with a team of historians and curators from the four countries in four workshops and three conferences. At the end of the project there will be three complementary outputs: a scientific publication, an educational online portal and an exhibition in the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The project is organized by Crossborder Factory (Berlin/ Germany), the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo), the Centre international de formation eruopéene (CIFE) (Nizza/France), and the Jasenovc Memorial Site (Croatia). It is funded by the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsability and Future” (EVZ) in the frame of its program “Education Agenda NS Injustice”.

Project objectives are:

To develop the mutual knowledge, reflection and discussion on the history of resistance to Nazism and Fascism in Europe during WW2, on its reception since 1945, and on its relevance for today, as a contribution to strengthening a Trans-European culture of memory. We understand the latter as an interactive space that raises questions, questions demonisations and glorifications, takes complexities into account and addresses both the diversity of resistance forms and memories as well as parallels and general tendencies, and also the question of the (non-)interconnectivity of histories and memories of resistance in Europe.

To contribute to the integration of the (post-)Yugoslav space as a full and active part of a European culture of memory, which seems all the more important as this space is often neglected in European history and memory work.

To support Trans-European networks in historical-political education and research, through cooperation between researchers, curators and educational institutions especially from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany and France.

Target groups: Historians, scholars, general public

Method / Format: Workshops, conferences, publication, website, exhibition

Language(s) of the project: English, French, German, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian