_erinnern.at_ is the program for teaching and learning about National Socialism and the Holocaust implemented by the OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalization. The aim is to support the transfer of historical and methodological-didactic knowledge into educational practice and to reflect on the causes and consequences of the Holocaust for the present.
The work of _erinnern.at_ is carried out in long-term national and international cooperations. This includes, for example, cooperation with the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance), with partners within the framework of EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) or through cooperation with international and national research and educational institutions. In Austria, _erinnern.at_ works together with universities, teacher training colleges, schools as well as minority organizations. The work is done on the local and regional level together with decentralized network coordinators in all nine provinces. They organize seminars and events on site and serve as contact persons for teachers.