Online conference: Multiperspective Approaches in Holocaust Remembrance

February  7, 2023

The MuRem network partners during the kick-off-workshop, 2022. © Minor

How can the Holocaust be exhibited and educated alongside other historical and contemporary human rights and discrimination topics? What are the similarities in the challenges and approaches in different European contexts, and how do they differ? These are the questions discussed at our online event on February 7th.

Representatives of Holocaust Education institutions in Poland, France, Belgium and Norway gave insights into their practical experiences with multiperspectivity. In dialogue with Hubert Strouk (Mémorial de la Shoah), Katarzyna Kulińska (POLIN museum) explained, how the Holocaust Education at POLIN museum touches the contemporary refugee situation, e. g. in the IWitness project. Isabelle Diependaele (Kazerne Dossin) addressed the question of multiperspectivity from the exhibition perspective in dialogue with Elise Grimsrud Christensen (Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies). They talk about their educational experiences with special exhibitions on human rights and racism alongside main exhibitions on the Holocaust. They discussed their approaches and challenges together with the participants of the event. The presented practice examples are to be found on the „Best practice“ section of the MuRem website.

We then present and launch a European survey on multiperspectivity in Holocaust education. The goal of the survey is to gain an insight into different approaches to addressing the various current challenges of Holocaust remembrance and education in Europe. The survey is also supposed to give a better idea of what multiperspectivity could mean in different contexts and whether and how this approach is implemented.